Sesser Façade Improvement Grant Program
The Façade Improvement Grant Program provides financial assistance to property owners or
tenants seeking to renovate or restore commercial building exteriors. This program is intended
to enhance Sesser and achieve overall community beatification through the improvement of the
physical appearances of businesses. Through this program the City hopes to make a positive
statement about the business climate to the community, visitors, as well as existing and
potential business tenants. Grant funds are made available through the TIF fund which is
administered by the City.

Goal of the Program
The goal of the program is to preserve historic facades, achieve quality façade improvement,
and encourage economic investment within the main commercial corridor of Sesser (See
Eligible Property Map). The City of Sesser believes that by providing incentives to spur
preservation, revitalization and reinvestment in structures within this area, it will create a more
attractive thoroughfare as well as greatly complement the economic development goals of the

Program Description/Grant Terms
This physical improvement grant provides a matching grant for facades. Grants under this
program shall not exceed $2,500 per building (unless otherwise approved by the City Council).
The applicant is expected to match or exceed any awarded program funding through
contribution of his or her own capital to the total project cost. (Example: If grant award is $2,500
then applicant would also have to spend at least $2,500 for a total project cost of $5,000) Grant
monies will be distributed after a project is complete and the following documentation has been

  • Photos showing completed work.
  • All invoices and receipts validating project costs.

All improvements must be initiated within 3 months and completed within 6 months of grant
approval date. If the applicant has not met these requirements, the City of Sesser will reevaluate
the status of the project. At its discretion, the City reserves the right to cancel or extend
the funding commitment.

Eligible Applicants and Properties
Façade grant money shall only be used for exterior repairs and renovations on commercial
storefronts and facades which front on public streets, alleys or parking areas. Property owners
or tenants of commercial property are eligible to apply. In the case where the tenant is the
applicant, the permission of the property owner is required. All taxable commercial properties
located within the Sesser TIF District are eligible for this program. Publicly owned buildings and
residential homes or apartment buildings will not be eligible. Properties will not be eligible if any property assessments or property taxes are not paid to date. The applicant must obtain all
necessary permits and inspections, and pay any corresponding fees.

The City of Sesser reserves the right to determine the eligibility of all items in a project’s scope
of work. Eligible items include, but are not limited to:

  • Façade rehabilitation
  • Storefront repair or rehabilitation
  • Door and window repair/replacement
  • Exterior Painting
  • Awnings
  • Lighting
  • Tuck pointing and masonry repair

Other items that are viewed as necessary or complimentary to the properties exterior renovation
as accepted by the City of Sesser.

(*Ineligible expenses: roofing repairs, construction of all new buildings, purchase of property or
buildings; improvements not approved by the City of Sesser.)

Budget Allowance for 2016
The City has set aside $25,000 for the program.

Application Submittal
To be formally considered for a grant request, an application must be completed and submitted
to the Mayor’s Office located at City Hall.

Application Review
The City of Sesser’s decision to accept an application will be based on available funds, the
merits of the proposed project, and the support it provides to the general beautification of

Program Application

Click HERE to Download the Application

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