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Disaster planning is a very important key in becoming self sufficient for 72 hours after a disaster. First, we need to find out what disasters are most likely to happen in our community.

Sesser is vulnerable to natural disasters such as drought, earthquake, tornadoes, thunderstorms, winter storms and flooding to a minor degree. Technological hazards include dam failure, civil disturbances, fire, hazardous material spills, natural gas explosions, radio-logical accident, plane crash and fall-out from nuclear attack of other areas.

Now that we have identified disasters that could affect our community, we need to plan and prepare for each. Find out about disaster plans at your workplace, your children’s school or childcare center and other places your family frequents. We will list some website links to use as a guide for planning and an items list for your disaster kit.

Learn about our communities warning signals; what they should like and what you should do when you hear them. You can find this information in the emergency management section. – Disaster Preparedness Link. – American Red Cross Link. – Illinois Homeland Security Link. – U.S. Department Homeland Security Link.

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