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Sesser’s governing body is made up of a group of City Officials. Presiding over this group is the Mayor, who acts as the official head of the City. Individuals serving as mayor are not subject to any term limits and are elected, at-large, to serve a four-year term of office. Other roles that make up the group of City Officials are the Treasurer, City Clerk, and City Council. More information regarding the Sesser City Council can be found on the City Council page.

Below is a list of all the current City Officials, along with their contact information.

  • Jason Ashmore
    Jason Ashmore Mayor

    Phone: (618) 625-3611

  • Teresa Stacey
    Teresa Stacey City Clerk

    Phone: (618) 625-3611

  • Robyn Hammonds
    Robyn Hammonds Mayors Administrative Assistant /Cemetery Contact

    Phone: (618) 625-3611

  • Dena Fox
    Dena Fox Treasurer

    Phone: 618-625-6217

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